I would like you to ponder this very simple question …

very simple…

 What's stopping you in ANY area of life that’s important to you?

We're about to come into a New Year, and maybe this year you had lots of things you wanted to create, experience, and complete. And maybe you did accomplish a lot of what you wanted to do, and maybe not.

So what do you think was stopping you… inspiration, motivation, talent, time, planning, resources, money…

But for this post I’d like to ask you to ponder what’s stopping you in creating, living, and really enjoying “living life well” each and every day?

Now I know that’s a very loaded question because each of us very differently defines what “living life well” means to us.

It’s very personal, and for many of us we’ve never really taken the time to get clear on what “living life well” could even be. To actually get what’s floating around in our heads about we believe “wellbeing” is to us on a piece of paper.

I’m going to do a deeper dive in a future post with a blueprint that I want to create to support people to really get clear on how to create a Living Life Well Manifesto. But for now I’d like you to just imagine you have a magic wand in your hand and with the wave of your hand you could effortlessly be living in a mental and physical state that you feel would be your ideal vision and aspiration for “living life well.”

If you’re curious what my “magic wand” thoughts are you can read about them in my “Are You Living In The Body You Would Love To Have” post.

My reason for asking and sharing my thoughts around this subject is that it’s so critical for each of us to really know what “living life well” is as we define it for ourselves because we all spend so much time starting, stopping, and starting over and over again chasing a laundry list of things we think we need to change, work on, restrict as it pertains to our shape, size, and weight.

Every day millions of people are wanting and relentlessly trying to feel better, have less stress, have more energy, lose weight, exercise, get better medical numbers… and on and on…

Every day we’re trying to hit a target, no, many targets and we’re often still so clueless of what we’re trying to hit, and even if we know the target often how we’re measuring it and measuring our success or failures are with old out dated social and medical models.

So my thesis is that even though we have such a rich and robust world of digital technology at our fingertips where we can define, track, monitor, and measure every possible way you might want to create and track how “well” you’re doing. What I think is missing, what’s stopping us, is that we haven’t done what’s most important. What’s actually very analog and that’s to know what “wellbeing” looks like for us, and what it’ll look like for us when we get there.

And most important, how can we live there and sustain that “wellbeing” with some type of agreeable healthy wiggle room to be always in a state of practice and not perfection. 

Like I said earlier I’ll be back in another post with a Living Life Well Manifesto for you to consider creating for yourself but for now I’d love you to just take a blank piece of paper and draft by hand, not a computer what would a page or two of your magic wand “living life well” musing be for yourself.

As always I’d love to hear what you think by posting your comments right here, and always please feel free to share your thoughts privately to me at shareit@goingbeyondthescale.com















